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Inter-Tribal Services

Welcome to our inter-tribal services.

The Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley is the only agency in Santa Clara County that specializes in the unique health care needs of American Indians and Alaskan Natives. We offer culturally enriched services for the entire family.

American Indian

CWO’s Community Outreach Program offers a variety of community events that are open to all and educate participants on various health promotion and disease prevention topics such as, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, men and women’s health, diabetes, heart disease and more. Listed here are specific events that are intentionally tailored for American Indians & Alaskan Natives. A healthy meal is provided at all of our events.

  • American Indian Care Day
  • Elder’s Lunch
  • Diabetes Refresher
  • Nature Walk

Locations: Downtown Wellness Center


Never A Bother Youth Suicide Prevention Campaign

IHC is proud to announce the Youth Suicide Prevention Campaign @NeverABother, in collaboration with the California Department of Health and The Center at Sierra Health Foundation. The purpose of the Never a Bother campaign is to spread awareness about Suicide Prevention and destigmatizing mental health. Your mental health is important! Please reach out when needed and know you’re Never a Bother.

If you or someone you know needs immediate assistance, please call or text the 24/7 toll-free and confidential Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 9-8-8.

Traditional Path to Wellness

The Traditional Path to Wellness workshop is intended to engage American Indian and Alaskan Native youth, parents, and community to support each other in discovering the inner strength and resiliency of their individual health and wellness balance. Our goal is that we will come together to collectively become a stronger community bonded in wellness through culture and tradition. Each workshop includes recurring teachings about healthy nutrition, traditional foods, physical health and exploring native cultural values of wellness. Participants will be led through the themes of the Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) curriculum: Belonging, Mastery, Interdependence and Generosity. This workshop is a 6-week series, meeting once a week in the evenings for 2 hours. A completion ceremony and certificate is presented on week-six for all participants who complete the series. There is no cost to participate and participation includes raffle prizes, fun games, dinner (when in person), youth workshops and free child care (when in person).

Traditional Services

Traditional Services are available by request.

Culture is Prevention

CIP Staff promote mental health, wellness, education, cultural sharing, outreach, and community collaboration through workshops, training, presentations, and partnerships with local community organizations, schools, families and youth.

Native Connections

Restoring Balance for our Youth, Native Connections project is a five-year community planning program to look at suicide prevention within our Santa Clara County AI/AN community. Goals include: providing traditional teachings and activities as a form of suicide prevention and reinforcing protective factors. The community will also guide our systematic approach to developing crisis response protocols for our youth and families.


IHC CalWorks case management is offered to American Indian/Alaskan Native CalWorks and TANF recipients. Culturally competent support and supplemental services are offered by our staff. Transportation services are also available.

Red Vision

This program offers Substance Abuse Prevention Services for Native American/ Alaskan Native youth ages 12-24 yrs living in California urban areas. Culturally appropriate wellness services include community social gatherings, classes/workshops, engagement groups and events.

Native Youth Initiative

Through this Initiative we host an annual camp out, The Gathering. This Gathering of Native Americans is for AI/AN families to spend quality time together to engage, learn, explore, and have fun! This event focuses on cultural forms of healing, which is essential to good health, happiness and overall wellness.

Locations: Downtown Wellness Center